Our Mission
The mission of B’nai B’rith Senior Housing is to provide seniors with quality, affordable housing in a secure, supportive community environment, without regard to religion, sex, disability, race or national origin in order to maximize their independent and dignified lifestyle.
Please note: Center For Senior Services does not manage applications or waitlists for any of the buildings. We suggest you contact the property management accordingly below.
We launched our senior housing program in 1968, and since 1971, in a cooperative partnership with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, B’nai B’rith has made rental apartments available for senior citizens with limited incomes.
B’nai B’rith senior housing is open to all qualified individuals as defined by HUD, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, disability or national origin.

U.S. Properties
Click on a location to learn more.

Glen East Senior Housing

B'nai B'rith House of Tucson I & II
4414 E. Second Street
Tucson, AZ 85711
Website: covenanthouseoftucson.org
Email: bnaibrithcovenan@qwestoffice.net
Phone: 520-327-2200
Fax: 520-327-0080

Gerd & Inge Strauss B'nai B'rith Manor on Pantano
370 N. Pantano Road
Tucson, AZ 85710
Website: straussmanor.org
Email: smmgr1@qwestoffice.net
Phone: 520-722-9015
Fax: 520-722-9325

Levi Towers
240 Prospect Street
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Email: Davidc@towerarkansas.com
Phone: 501-623-8419
Fax: 501-623-2133

B'nai B'rith Golden Years Apartments
11330 Otsego Street
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Website: gysai.org
Email: goldenyearssenior@levinegroups.com
Phone: 818-762-6001
Fax: 818-762-1954

Fountain Heights B'nai B'rith Senior Housing
345 Fountain Street
New Haven, CT 06515
Email: dgray@homeinc-ct.org
Phone: 203-387-4082
Fax: 203-387-4097

B'nai B'rith House
8000 Society Drive
Claymont, DE 19703
Email: tcarter@firsthartford.com
Phone: 302-798-6846
Fax: 302-798-2275

B'nai B'rith Apartments of Deerfield Beach I, II & III
299 SW Third Avenue
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Website: bnaibrithaptsdeerfield.org
Email: bnaibrith123mgr@spm.net
Phone: 954-426-5577
Fax: 954-426-0137

Sam J. Stone B'nai B'rith Covenant Apartments I & II
215 W. Sam J. Stone Avenue
Peoria, IL 61605
Email: tlance@rcpmco.com (Phase I)
fmartin@rcpmco.com (Phase II)
Phone: 309-676-0041
Fax: 309-676-5626

B'nai B'rith Homecrest House I, II & III
14508 Homecrest Road
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Email: office@homecresthouse.org
Website: www.homecresthouse.org
Phone: 301-598-4000, ext. 79
Fax: 301-598-6485

Irving B. Matross Covenant House I, II & III
30 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02135
Website: bbcovhse.org
Email: manager@bbcovhse.org
Phone: 617-277-8932
Fax: 617-734-4797

The Coolidge at Sudbury Apartments
189 Boston Post Rd
Sudbury, MA 01776
Website: thecoolidgeatsudburyapts.com
Email: manager@CoolidgeatSudbury.com
Phone: 978-443-3388
Fax: 978-261-5869

The Machon
35 Burpee Rd
Swampscott, MA 01907
Website: livethemachon.com
Phone: 781-584-8177

B'nai B'rith Chesilhurst House, Inc.
124 Whitehorse Pike
Chesilhurst, NJ 08089
Email: ygarwood@bbchesilhurst.com
Phone: 856-809-9111
Fax: 856-809-9119

B'nai B'rith Elmwood House
444 North Elmwood Road
Marlton, NJ 08053
Email: kmcgriff@bbelmwood.com
Phone: 856-810-1140
Fax: 856-810-1142

South Orange B'nai B'rith Federation House
219 S. Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ 07079
Website: jchcorp.org
Email: Lorna-MaeD@jchcorp.org
Phone: 973-761-4602
Fax: 973-761-8513

Adelstein Family-Project H.O.P.E. B'nai B'rith House
2050 Bartow Avenue
Bronx, NY 10475
Email: vhevrnandez@firsthartford.com,
Phone: 718-671-9149
Fax: 718-671-7543

Schenectady B'nai B'rith House
22 Knolls Road
Niskayuna, NY 12309
Email: 0986@nationalchurchresidences.org
Phone: 518-346-8797
Fax: 518-346-8799

B'nai B'rith of Queens
138-49 Elder Avenue
Flushing, NY 11355
Website: www.liveatbbqueens.com
Email: queensbnaibrithmgr@spm.net
Phone: 718-358-1166
Fax: 718-353-072

B'nai B'rith Apartments
1616 Liberty Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Email: abbhc@abbhc.com
Website: www.abbhc.com
Phone: 610-821-0207
Fax: 610-821-1106

Abe Cramer B'nai B'rith Apartments
130 S. Third Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Email: kdunkle@jldmgtgroup.com
Phone: 717-232-7516
Fax: 717-232-4020

B'nai B'rith House
1026 Franklin Street
Reading, PA 19602
Email: chrish@bbrith.com
Phone: 610-374-4453
Fax: 610-374-8755

Amos Towers
525 Jefferson Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510
Website: amostowers.com
Email: mfotta@uncnepa.org
Phone: 570-347-6551
Fax: 570-343-7159

B'nai B'rith Apartments
61 E. Northampton Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Website: www.liveatbbwilkesbarre.com
Email: bbwilkesmgr@spm.net
Phone: 570-825-8595
Fax: 570-825-9263

Goldberg B'nai B'rith Towers I & II
10909 Fondren Road
Houston, TX 77096
Website: gbbt.org
Emails: manager@gbbt.org, phyllis.Davis@BlueHeronCircle.com
Phone: 713-771-2417
Fax: 713-771-5468

Pasadena Interfaith Manor
2112 Easthaven Drive
Pasadena, TX 77506
Website: pasadenainterfaithmanor.net
Email: manager@pasadenamanor.com
Phone: 713-475-2880
Fax: 713-475-2884

B'nai B'rith Covenant House
3212 Saemann Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Email: shelley.herman@yahoo.com
Phone: 920-452-0880
Fax: 920-452-9089
Canadian Properties
Through our international districts we have made available affordable senior housing in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, Canada.
Haro Park Centre
1233 Haro Street
Vancouver, BC V6E-3Y5
Wesbite: haropark.org
Email: info@haropark.org
Phone: 604-687-5584
B’nai B’rith House
8000 Cote ST Luc Rd.
Cote St Luc . Quebec. H4W 1R6
Website: https://bbresidences.org/
Email: info@bbresidences.org
Phone: 514-223-2023
Chateau B’nai B’rith
7171 Cote St Luc Rd.
Cote St Luc, Quebec H4V 0A5
Website: https://bbresidences.org/
Email: info@bbresidences.org
Phone: 514-489-7171
B’nai B’rith Canada Building
4300 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M3H 6A4
Email: 4300bathurst@greenwin.ca
Phone: 416-638-6853
B’nai B’rith Patricia Residence
485 Patricia Avenue
Toronto, ON M2R 2Y7
Phone: 416-667-9930
The Dan Family Residence Building
15 Torresdale Avenue
Toronto, ON M2R 1N9
Email: vkokaj@greenwin.ca
Phone: 416-667-7162
Upper Canada Lodge Building
4266 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M3M-5Y7
Email: 4300bathurst@greenwin.ca
Phone: 416-638-6853